Yearlong Intensive for Connection, Liberation and Wholeness (Coming 2025)

Yearlong Intensive for Connection, Liberation and Wholeness (Coming 2025)

$1,378.00 - $2,747.00
Would you like Connection, Liberation and Wholeness? Join our Yearlong Intensive combining three 10-week offerings and 5 days of integration for a wholistic integration of the NVC Tree of Life:

* Online Zoom meets on Thursdays from 9 AM to 10:30 AM Pacific

1. Conversational Connection - Practical Skills for Communicating Compassionately (from Jan to March)

2. Free Yourself From Reactivity - Journey of Emotional Liberation (from April to June)

3. Wild Heart - Cultivating Wholeness, Self-Healing for the Self You Always Wanted (from Aug to Oct)

4. Integration, Practice and Support - Bring your real-life situations to the group (from Nov to Dec)

* four 1:1 guiding sessions with James
* website access to recorded online zoom sessions
* downloadable slides PDF for each session
* opt-in to rotating practice buddies council schedule

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Click here for a description of how the individual series offerings relate to the NVC Tree of Life for an integration of Connection, Liberation, and Wholeness. 


*** Click here to sign-up for the TBD FREE workshop "A  Taste of Connection" as an introduction to the first series of the Yearlong Intensive ***


Overall Benefits of the Yearlong Intensive

  • the consistency of the sessions and practices over time supports developing new habits, changing behavior

  • relationships over time contribute to safety, trust, creating a supportive growth-oriented community

  • your personal growth will progress more rapidly with personalized coaching sessions

  • learning the material in the suggested sequence makes learning, deepening and retaining the practices easier

  • you will meet new people, and get to know them more deeply

  • you’ll save some money on sessions/services when taken together


Benefits of Conversational Connection Series (click here for Testimonials)

  • you will have more mastery and tools at your disposal for navigating conversations

  • interpersonal conversations will be easier and more satisfying

  • the people you interact with will enjoy being heard and understood

  • expressing yourself authentically will become more comfortable

  • you will experience a natural curiosity toward others

  • you will develop compassion toward others as you acknowledge everyone's needs

  • experience more trust and the joy of connection


Conversational Connection Series Weekly Agenda (each number is a different session)

1. Introduction to NVC, Observations vs. Evaluations
2. Needs vs. Strategies, Empathy
3. Requests vs. Demands, Conversational Context
4. Feelings Awareness, Responding to a Request, Self-Empathy
5. Honest Expression, Request to Understand Someone Else
6. Requesting/Offering Feedback
7. Street Empathy, Giving Appreciation
8. Facilitating a Flow of Connection
9. Flow of Connection Practice, Interrupting for Connection
10. Review of Processes, Flow of Connection Practice


Benefits of Free Yourself From Reactivity Series (click here for Testimonials)

  • You will feel inner peace, contentment and happiness more often

  • The frequency and intensity of your triggered reactions will diminish with practice

  • You will learn tools to find and maintain self-connection, and to return more quickly when you're triggered

  • Your community and peers will notice more stability in how you show up


Free Yourself From Reactivity Series Weekly Agenda (each number is a different session)

1. Foundation for NVC Self-Empathy, Embodiment of Feelings
2. Cultivating Wholeness, Life Energy of Needs, Needs Flower
3. Enlightened Inner-Giraffe, Triggers
4. Observations, Power, Karpman Drama Triangle
5. Blaming Words, Transforming Judgments, Hard-to-hear Messages
6. Self-Acceptance, Warmth and Integration
7. Appeasement, The Vortex of Submission
8. Vortex of Submission Continued
9. Beneficial Regret (“Mourning in Giraffe”)
10. Guilt & Shame, Healing Honesty Role Plays


Benefits of the Wild Heart Series (click here for Testimonials)

  • find inner peace, mental clarity and autonomy thru Self-Healing

  • become more grounded in yourself, reawakening dormant capacities

  • re-wild yourself while accessing natural compassion

  • develop enhanced self-empathy and self-healing skills by befriending subpersonalities

  • freedom from reactivity, reduced recovery time from triggers (working with the unconscious)

  • expanded windows of knowing, flexibility in strategies/outcomes

  • sense of connection and belonging to the natural world, reduced loneliness

  • increased autonomy, conscious choice and agency resulting in self-empowerment

  • re-discover your indigenous connection to the land, a re-wilding of how you show up in the world


Wild Heart Series Agenda

Cultivating Wholeness - Conscious Self (5 weeks)

1. Deep Imagination/Needs - West: Dark Beloved Muse — creativity, imagination, identity
2. Embodied Feeling - South: Wild Indigenous One  -- embodiment, aliveness, movement
3. Present-Centered Sensing/Observation - East: Innocent/Sage/Trickster — presence, knowing, understanding, play
4. Heart-Centered Thinking/Requests - North: Nurturing Generative Adult — compassion, contribution, growth
5. Four-direction Circle for Cultivating Wholeness
Befriending Subpersonalities/Fragments - Unconscious Self (5 weeks)

6. North: Loyal Soldier
7. South: Wounded Child
8. East: Addict, Escapist
9. West: Shadow, Shadow Selves
10. Four-direction Circle for Self-Healing



Each of the two offering threads (Online Zoom, In-Person) will close (where new participants in a series are not allowed) if more than (16, 12) people respectively register for this Yearlong Intensive the week of February 18, 2024. The maximum number of participants for each offering thread is 24.



  • Online Zoom meets on TBD from 9 AM to 10:30 AM Los Angeles PST** (12 PM - 1:30 PM New York EST, 5 PM - 6:30 PM London GMT, 6 PM - 7:30 PM Berlin CET)

Note: The In-Person sessions do not have online participation (i.e. they are not 'hybrid" sessions). 

** Time changes to PDT on 2nd Sunday in March in US, and back to PST on 2nd Sunday in November



Each of the offerings below has their own description. The content of the In-Person offerings is generally the same as the Online Zoom offerings. Click on main title of each for more information:


     1. Conversational Connection - Practical Skills for Communicating Compassionately


     2. Free Yourself From Reactivity - Journey of Emotional Liberation 


     3. Wild Heart - Cultivating Wholeness, Self-Healing for the Self You Always Wanted


     4. Integration, Practice and Support - Bring your real-life situations to the group



James Prieto guides towards connection and integration of our natural selves by cultivating wholeness, self-healing, and compassionate communication (NVC). James has a Center for Nonviolent Communication trainer certification obtained in December 2014 ( and completed the Animas Valley Institute’s Wild Mind Training Program in July 2024 ( Click here for an extended bio.


Would you like more information not covered here? Email James