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Something Zen about Kansas

Jaime L. Prieto, Jr.

September 27, 2023

While driving East on Hwy 70, I noticed a stark change in the landscape when crossing the state lines between Colorado and Kansas. Colorado has a lot of stimulating boulders, mountains, trees of various colors, illuminating the mind with possibilities. Whereas Kansas is mostly flat with two primary colors prevalent throughout the land – – brown and green, with occasional dashes of yellow. Not many trees in the fields. And I notice feeling more at peace, like my mind has less to do, and more time to be. There is something Zen about Kansas.

The simplicity of the landscape allows me to notice and enjoy a subtle changes, like the slight curve on the highway, contrasted with the hundreds of miles of straight line. Or the patches of sunflowers that occasionally spring forth contrasted with the hundreds of miles of open field of tall grasses and corn. Currently, the skies are cloudy and gray. And as I look carefully scanning the visible horizon, I notice at the edges glimpses of sunlight coming through to the earth. I also have a story that the drivers that I’ve encountered on the highway are traveling at a constant speed.

I am happy to be returning to Kansas City, in part, because that simplicity and spaciousness expressed in the land is what I seek for my own life. My hope is that spaciousness and peace will facilitate clear listening to my Soul, so I can give voice to what wants to be birthed – maybe some poetry, essays, a book, transformational workshops, with a chance of dancing in my living room…

There’s something Zen about Kansas.


© 2023 Jaime L. Prieto, Jr.,, All Rights Reserved.

ps. I found these 12 Zen strategies to be useful.