Personal Development Guiding: Deep Listening, Mediation, Eco-Depth Psychology

Personal Development Guiding: Deep Listening, Mediation, Eco-Depth Psychology

$90.00 - $200.00
Would you like some support to:
* engage life more energized, alive and connected?
* reawaken dormant resources of wholeness?
* develop personal practices for self-empathy and self-healing?
* re-wild yourself while accessing natural compassion?
* explore nature-based practices for cultivating wholeness in the seven directions?
* develop a relationship with unconscious parts that take you out of the present moment?
* to prepare for the journey toward becoming your truest self, providing your unique gift that the world desperately needs?

If so, I’m available for guiding through Zoom (find a slot on my availability calendar), or in-person sessions in the Kansas City area (send request via email).

Please select the largest rate possible to support me and other people who do not have as much to contribute financially; sliding scale available based on ability to pay. First 30 minutes free. Preferred payments through Venmo (@Jaime-L-Prieto-Jr)

Cover Art by Doug Van Houten
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*** Click here to schedule a session. ***


We co-create a guiding plan to meet your needs in support of your personal development. We’ll weave the threads of your life experience through Nonviolent Communication (NVC), while cultivating wholeness and self-healing through eco-depth psychology practices.



  • Payment is requested before the session. Select desired quantity from drop-down menu on this page, or
  • You may send money through Venmo @‌Jaime-L-Prieto (phone ends in 2026)


  • Animas Valley Institute Certified Wild Mind Practitioner  (
  • CNVC Certified Trainer in Nonviolent Communications (




James Prieto guides towards wholeness, connection and integration of our natural selves by cultivating inner-resources, self-healing, and compassionate communication (NVC). James has a Center for Nonviolent Communication trainer certification ( and is certified by the Animas Valley Institute as a Wild Mind Practitioner ( 



All sessions are online through Zoom, scheduled through my availability calendar  (In-person walk-and-talk hikes/walks/sessions are possible in Kansas City, Missouri area through request and prior coordination)

James encourages a cultivation of the Self, and may guide self-healing.  The development of the Self enables the cultivation of the four windows of knowing: heart-centered thinking, full-bodied feeling, full-presence sensing, and deep imagination. The cultivation of these and other innate human capacities engenders mature humans capable of embodying their human wholeness rather than living through the fragments of psyche elicited by our mainstream Western modes of parenting, education, religion, and entertainment. James can support your development through the following practices:

  • Shadow Work
  • Soulcentric Dreamwork
  • Sub-personality Engagement (~ IFS Parts Work)
  • Carl Jung’s Active Imagination
  • Deep Imaginal Journeys to Access Inner Wisdom
  • Mirroring, Empathic Listening, Mediation
  • Personal Development Guiding through Wild Mind nature-connected practices for wholeness and self-healing

Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is an excellent practice for cultivating heart-centered thinking, facilitating a conscious dialogue with all aspects of ourselves, other people and the more-than-human natural world. When NVC is practiced through the four windows of knowing, it can become a personal practice of cultivating wholeness and a practice of collaborative empathic discovery to uncover new intuitions.


*** Click here to schedule a session. ***


All sessions are scheduled on my availability calendar, or through prior arrangement. I prefer to receive money through Venmo (@Jaime-L-Prieto-Jr), or this page.  A sliding scale is available if you're tight on finances -- please send an email to with your request.


Personal Development Guiding: Deep Listening, Mediation, Eco-Depth Psychology