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Deep Connection

extending connection to the more-than-human world

December 22, 2022

Connection is much more than having a mutual understanding between people; it also happens inside of ourselves, to connect with the life energy inside us that is seeking fulfillment. In the practice of nonviolent communication (NVC), we call this life energy universal human needs. By listening to our needs, we not only acknowledge them, but we also listen to the desire that they are conveying to us in the moment. When we act in harmony with our needs, we're more likely to experience feelings of celebration. Acknowledging our needs also opens up a natural curiosity to everything outside ourselves. We begin to feel compassion towards others, allowing us to see and appreciate their needs too — making connection more likely.

Furthermore, we may also experience a sense of connection to the natural "more-than-human" world, connecting us with trees, rocks, birds and deer -- this is more likely if we're in a natural environment. Besides feeling awe, gratitude and joy, sometimes the connection inspires poetry. Here’s a poem I caught after backpacking with my son last week.


Three December nights

in the Ventana Wilderness;

frost each morning.

a warm window

into Mother home

— on the land


by modern designs —

accompanied by my son,

deserted from other humans.


Landscape scarred by fire 🔥

blackened skeletons standing.

heavy rains dissolve the ashes

feeding sprouting survivors.


Streams dance

through muddy

patches of trail,

slippery as hell

heavy on boots 🥾

lucky to stay upright.


Rock carvings

from ancestors

connected to the land

scattered by alien

good intentions.

“Los Padres” - a testament

of impact unaware.


Layered caves

from smoothed earth underwater

hold people’s lit fires

alive in many hearts.


Solid plates

once flat mesas

now raised half-length

on one end

barely support climbing.


Stones jagged

in whitish brown

red streaks painted

by unseen hands.

trickling sounds

welcome guests;

large dinosaur egg

keeps flat rock company

good for gathering water.


Black stones


by daylight

radiate glitters

of red delight

after dusk


the recall

of magic.




do not capture

the essence

of experience;

they do help

to remember

the timeless flow

of being


by Mystery

living beauty


when shared

gives meaning

to “love.”


Overjoyed my son Alex

joined on the adventure.


Cover photo by Alex M. Prieto-Rivero

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